BECOME A TCBCC Member, Today!

The Toronto Community for Better Child Care’s work is made possible by the support and collaboration of our members. Together, we are able to raise our voices collectively for an accessible, affordable, quality, non-profit child care system for all families in Toronto. 

You can join the TCBCC membership by filling out our online registration form and mailing a copy of it along with a cheque, to the TCBCC. 

Your support makes a difference! 

A TCBCC membership includes:

  • Opportunities to engage in municipal, provincial and federal child care campaigns
  • Tools to support advocacy for better child care in our community
  • Regular email updates and quarterly digital newsletters
  • Eligibility for our Community Build Program
  • Access to our campaigns, webinars, training sessions and online events

We appreciate and value all donations. If you are able, Please donate today!

Thank you for your continued support.

*please note that your membership is an annual fee.




  • Individual community members, ECEs, child care workers and families
  • $35.00 Annual fee
  • Individual students
  • $35.00 Annual fee

Non-profit Child care centre


  • Licensed non-profit child care centres with less than 100 spaces
  • $250.00 Annual fee
  • Licensed non-profit child care centres with more than 100 spaces
  • $300.00 Annual fee
  • For multi-site centres, there is a recommended donation of an additional $100 per additional site, for the first 5 additional sites. (If you have 2 sites, your fee would be Dues + $100; if you have 6 or more sites, your dues would be Dues + $500).

Community Organization


  • Family Resource Centres, vendors, Community programs, small local groups with less than 100 members 
  • $100.00 Annual fee
  • Unions and Large local groups with more than 100 members
  • $500.00 Annual fee